Which chickens lay rainbow eggs?

We sell rainbow eggs. That means that each dozen you buy has a variety of colors inside. We have blue, bright blue, green, grey, brown, and dark brown eggs. The reason we have all of these pretty colors is because we picked our chickens specifically for the color of egg they will lay.

When I first started out with chickens 3 years ago I had a few Silkies and a Leghorn rooster named Little Jerry. Jerry was a crazy rooster who got really possessive of his girls and their eggs, so he’d chase us around the farmyard anytime we went near them. He really hated my daughter’s bright red boots for some reason.

Silkies lay white eggs and they tend to be on the small side, so while I loved them because they were cute, I was already on a mission to get my rainbow dozen.

Over the next year we added Americaunas (blue eggs), Cream Breasted Legbars (also blue eggs), Black Copper Maran (dark brown), and Olive eggers (green eggs). With a mix of roosters in the yard and a few other hens thrown into the mix, I have my rainbow eggs.

Every dozen of eggs I sell has as many colors as I can put in. I honestly never just toss eggs in a carton and put them out for sale. I really think about making rainbow eggs for everyone who picks up a dozen. That might be why I can put 10 dozen out for sale at 9 am and they’re all gone by 10 am.

What you get really depends on who’s laying eggs that day, who’s sitting on eggs that day, and who didn’t hide their eggs that day. I’ve found eggs all over the yard, and although you’d think it would be fun to find them, it’s really not. Chickens are devious creatures.

You can find our organic-fed rainbow eggs in our shop.

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